
Wednesday, November 10, 2010

When I am down and need to cry till morning....

The tears streaming down my cheeks are probably a result of the combo weaning myself off of Zoloft, PMS and peri-menopause but I think that the feelings are real. 

“When I am down and need to cry till morning....” I am lonely, and yet I don’t want new friends, I want old ones... I don’t want to tell my stories again, I don’t want to newly disappoint, and be newly disappointed and sift through all the people who don’t “get” me or I don’t “get” them...”When I am down and need to cry till morning....” I don’t want to have to explain that I haven’t given up, or make sure I am not shaking anyone’s faith by feeling hopeless, that I still believe in His Goodness, His faithfulness, His Sovereignty... I’m just weary. I want to be able to “drop in” and open up the fridge and grab a diet coke, or put the coffee on, or open a bottle of wine. I want to be able to complain about my husband, my kids, my life, myself and know that they are going to still be loved, and admired, that my discontent won’t cloud the truth. Too much to ask? Maybe... but that is what my few dearest friends are to me. They actually know as much of my gunk as I do (probably more since I am sure I have some pretty huge blind spots) and they LIKE me. I hope I am this to them. But how does that work when you are separated by a thousand miles? 

Do I have to “make new friends AND keep the old”? Can’t I just “keep the old?”
What say you? Should I pop a couple zoloft, dive back in the social pool and swim for my life? Or can I hunker down and wait until the Lord moves us back so I don’t have to say good-bye anymore?

Tuesday, November 9, 2010

New every morning


I am so wonderfully overwhelmed by this, I can really really mess up my day I can fall into disgusting self centered sinful behavior so deep in that mirey clay it's in my hair! (like say, oh I don't know... yesterday) He picks me up out of the muck and sets my feet upon the rock! Not because I looked cute in the mud, not because I flailed just right, not necessarily even because I petitioned him in the right way (which by the way I DID NOT, my petition was more like "OH LORD I can't take this any more"), but "because of His GREAT love for [me] us" He delivered me.... He delivered me.... 
OK Time is up for blogging this morning Gotta get school going before the muck comes creeping back in!
Be delivered, be blessed If you are in the muck, be rescued!

Monday, October 25, 2010

When will I ever learn?

I am having a bad day. I let my self sleep in because I couldn't sleep during the night, so sleeping from 4am to 10 felt justifie. Big mistake number 1. maybe I will learn the lesson some day. If I find the need to justify my actions I should not do them. So kids slept late and woke cranky, I skipped my devotions and started laundry; big mistake number 2! Maybe I will learn the lesson someday. If I find the need to start working on earthly things before getting my heart and mind set on things above I will fail. I cam upstairs from the laundry to make  my oatmeal and coffee,  made the "perfect" cup of coffee. I was savoring it, and nursing it, I had used the last of the cream so it would be my only cup for the day, It was MINE, my own, my PRECIOUS..... Big mistake #3 Mary knocked it over in an overzealous attempt to snuggle. I lost it.  Maybe I will learn the lesson someday, If I find myself desiring the creation over the creator it will not satisfy.  I attempted to have a reasonable conversation with a teenager Big mistake #4.....You get the point.
What lessons do you have to keep learning?

Wednesday, September 29, 2010


I have a coupon promo for 2 weeks starting today 20% off anything in my shop! Use coupon code Sara20.

Wednesday, September 22, 2010

Checklists and housekeeping update

So we have been working on our Daily  and Weekly for over a month and overall I have been pleased with how they are working. Of course all systems are only as good as the diligence of the users..... but that's a different post. I have done some editing of the actual lists and I have found an awesome way to store/display them! I thought I would share those with you today. 

Margaret checking her list

Margaret working with ENTHUSIASM
You can see below I have added a "Don't Forget to:" column
Zones assigned
We rotate zones weekly.
With younger children I would have them
switch monthly so they could learn their zones well. 

Margaret has added her own note 
Work hard, but not just to please your (parents) masters when they are watching. As slaves of Christ, do the will of God with all your heart. Work with enthusiasm, as though you were working for the Lord rather than for people. Ephesians 6:6

Friday, September 17, 2010


I am really excited to partner with Open Sky to start selling things I love! What a fun way to make a little extra cash! I get to tell you all about stuff I love and you get to buy it if you like it! (SOOOOO much better than guilting you into a tupperware purchase and hosting a party etc LOL) 
Melissa and Doug Toys are my very VERY favoritestest toys inthewholwideWORLD!!  I have chosen a smattering of their toys that I love to sell in my shop. Feel free to browse through the whole shop and if you know of a M&D toy you would like that I don't have listed I can probably get it just let me know.

Tegu is a supplier I haven't used before but these blocks captured my attention. I will be trying them out soon Can't wait to tell you more about them!


I have been really impressed with the very unique options the Open Sky Suppliers have for home decor!

Check out the Kitchen and Making Things Easier posts!

Making things easier


Can't you just see these in a checker board pattern with THESE!?

OK this is so cool, I am so excited to try it out. I am on a cash only budget and have been looking for something like this ever since I started!  

I use this for our weekly cleaning checklists
I label each slot with the room names and I put the weekly zone assignments on the dry erase portion.