
Monday, October 25, 2010

When will I ever learn?

I am having a bad day. I let my self sleep in because I couldn't sleep during the night, so sleeping from 4am to 10 felt justifie. Big mistake number 1. maybe I will learn the lesson some day. If I find the need to justify my actions I should not do them. So kids slept late and woke cranky, I skipped my devotions and started laundry; big mistake number 2! Maybe I will learn the lesson someday. If I find the need to start working on earthly things before getting my heart and mind set on things above I will fail. I cam upstairs from the laundry to make  my oatmeal and coffee,  made the "perfect" cup of coffee. I was savoring it, and nursing it, I had used the last of the cream so it would be my only cup for the day, It was MINE, my own, my PRECIOUS..... Big mistake #3 Mary knocked it over in an overzealous attempt to snuggle. I lost it.  Maybe I will learn the lesson someday, If I find myself desiring the creation over the creator it will not satisfy.  I attempted to have a reasonable conversation with a teenager Big mistake #4.....You get the point.
What lessons do you have to keep learning?